
5 Pro Tips to Boost Marketing Performance

5 Pro Tips to Boost Marketing Performance


Do you feel that your marketing strategy is not giving you the results you want?! Are you constantly looking for ways to boost your marketing performance?!
Well, you are not alone. Many business owners and professionals find marketing to be one of the most challenging aspects of their businesses.

Typically, it is because they place some ads online, expecting them to work like magic, but it is just not working. Random marketing efforts won't bring you those leads, customers, or sales you desire.

Marketing is an ever-changing, constantly evolving field. What worked just a few years ago may be completely irrelevant today. You must be willing to adapt to change and new techniques as they occur.

Here, I will share with you 5 pro tips that will help you boost your marketing performance, strengthen your online presence, and evolve your digital footprint.

1- Create Cohesion in Your Content

First on our Pro Tips list to boost marketing performance is creating cohesion in your content.

Your content is the key marketing element to move your target audience forward in their buyer’s journey.

In order to do that, we use several marketing tools when creating conversion paths, including Landing Pages, Forms, and Calls-to-Action (CTAs).

Now, when creating a marketing campaign, you should pay close attention to creating a consistent experience between your landing pages, forms, and calls-to-action (CTAs).

You want to lead your customers to complete your desired goal. Creating a cohesive experience between these assets can help ensure they take that next step.


2- Set Reasonable and Accurate Goals

By now, we all know that setting up SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) Marketing Goals is essential for the success of any marketing strategy.

But, how can you achieve these SMART goals?!

You have to ensure that your goals are reasonable and accurate in order for your marketing efforts to be successful.

Here you have 3 steps to follow when setting up your goals:

  • Identify current performance in your marketing efforts before setting new KPI targets.
  • Determine where you have gaps in your marketing process or content to identify areas of opportunity.
  • Create detailed marketing productivity plans to systematically address your marketing opportunities.

3- Match Your Content to Every Stage of a Buyer's Journey

Understanding where your target audience is in the buyer’s journey is the key to creating the perfect content that will help you attract them to become visitors, and then convert them into leads, and finally close them into customers.

Every interaction you have with your audiences should be tailored to where they stand in the Buyer’s Journey.

It doesn’t make sense to target an ad for a sales demo at someone in the awareness stage! Or, to target an awareness stage offer (like a recommended blog post) at someone who is ready to buy.


4- Use Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Strategies

This is actually one of the most powerful pro tips that will help you boost your marketing performance.

CRO is a system for increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that converts into customers, or more generally, takes any desired action on a webpage.

There are several CRO strategies that you can implement:

  • Run A/B tests on your landing pages.
  • Create text-based Calls-to-Action (CTAs) within blog posts.
  • Include lead flows on your website page.
  • Add chat to high-converting web pages.
  • Leverage retargeting to re-engage website visitors.

5- Implement Inbound Strategies into Your Website

Inbound marketing has proven its worth and effectiveness as a dominant marketing methodology in the last decade, providing more interactive and optimized techniques and tools for businesses to benefit from.

It is more important now than ever for businesses to embrace inbound marketing in order to overcome the current marketing challenges and meet consumers’ expectations.

When it comes to your business website, it is important to realize that an effective inbound website will enable you to give a strong and memorable impression to your prospective customers.

It can help you nurture your leads, get more conversions, and provide a personalized and excellent user experience (UX) to website visitors.

Here are some Inbound Strategies that you should implement into your website:
  • Define the goal of each page on your website. You should aim to solve a single goal on each page (one Page, One Goal).
  • Blink Test:
    Within ten seconds of arriving on your page, a user takes in your content and decides whether or not to keep reading. If you’ve defined the page goal well, a website user should be quickly enabled to understand what your business does, and what that page is really meant for.
  • Use images to help visitors understand your page right away.
  • Provide multiple ways to connect with your business. (A user shouldn’t work hard to connect with you).
  • Guide the user’s navigation around the website. (You need to have multiple next steps available on each page).
  • Place a call-to-action (CTA) towards the top of a page.
  • Include a chat function to encourage users to visit specific pages.
  • Use logical URLs and page titles.
  • Evaluate the mobile experience.
  • Use website heat map to optimize user experience (UX).
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Why is Inbound Marketing More Important Now than Ever?

Why is Inbound Marketing More Important Now than Ever?


Digital marketing trends and techniques are shifting, and this is largely in response to the covid-19 pandemic and the impact it had on businesses, digitalizing the way they do their work, as well as consumers’ expectations, concerns, and shopping habits.

When comes to Inbound Marketing, it has been a dominant marketing methodology that has proven its worth and effectiveness in the last decade.

But like everything else, inbound marketing techniques and tools had to evolve into more interactive nature, in order to overcome the current marketing challenges and meet both businesses' and consumers’ expectations.

The inbound marketing funnels have evolved to flywheels. Above all, this made it more important now than ever for businesses to embrace inbound marketing so that they benefit from its optimized techniques and achieve their marketing and business goals in such challenging times.

But, let’s move now to “why is inbound marketing more important now than ever?”

Building Customer Loyalty

Inbound marketing can help you grow your business by building meaningful and lasting relationships with prospects and customers, turning them into loyal, happy, and satisfied customers.

In particular, inbound enables you to empower them to reach their goals at any stage in their journey with you. Specifically, by providing them with relevant, helpful, and relevant content that helps them reach their goals or solve their problems.

Nowadays, customers have higher online expectations. With everything shifting to the digital world; customers expect highly personalized, engaging, interactive, and relevant content and experiences from businesses. And this is where inbound marketing comes into place.

Remember, when customers find success, they share that success with others. This means attracting new prospects to your business and creating a self-sustaining loop, which is how your business can build momentum. And this is why the inbound methodology serves as a strong foundation for your flywheel.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Inbound Marketing

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing is growing at a steady pace. It is not there to replace us but rather to assist us in the marketing process and business growth.

In inbound marketing, AI amplifies your understanding of the target audience through accurate and in-depth analysis. 

AI technology works by fusing machine learning and a simulation of human intelligence in order to learn from experiences and adjust.

It can help you predict your customer’s moves, elevate their user experience through personalized recommendations, and increase productivity through automation or mundane receptive tasks such as email sequencing and workflows. 

AI can play an essential role in inbound marketing by enabling you to provide more personalized website experiences and push notifications, enhanced PPC campaigns and targeting, and AI-powered content.

Furthermore, one of the most powerful AI tools is Chabot, which can boost your customer service efficiency and sales incredibly. 

In fact, a study conducted by HubSpot showed that 47% of shoppers will make AI-assisted purchases.


SEO-Based and Interactive Content

SEO-Based Content:

Inbound marketing enables you to create SEO-based content, which can help your target audience find your business in a non-interruptive way, attract them to your website, and maximize your reach through SEO optimization.

With inbound marketing, you can create meaningful conversations and valuable solution-based content. Keep in mind that this content can come in many shapes and sizes (blogs, social media, podcasts, press releases, etc…).

But, how can you create this type of content?! This can be accomplished by creating web-based content with specific keywords and phrases that are associated with your business, product, service, and industry. 

With a solution-based inbound marketing strategy, your content-driven SEO will position your business to organically appear in search engine results for the people searching for and in need of this information.

Interactive Content:

Interactive content encourages customers to actively engage with it rather than passively consume it.

It provides them with a richer customer journey, with different types of content, such as interactive infographics, calculators, videos, assessments, or white papers.

By adding interactivity to your content marketing mix, you are tapping into gamification. This will allow your customers to engage with content in a game-like process, which will help it stick in their minds longer, and make it 50% more shareable.

What does that mean for your business?
This means that your site will have a lower bounce rate, and you will be able to capture more data by providing an immersive experience that encourages lead data capture.
Inbound marketing strategies can establish yourself as a trusted consultant with whom customers can engage.

Moreover, the non-invasive nature of inbound marketing can help you lead with solution-based selling rather than product-based selling. It can help you present your content as a stream of valuable information and insight geared to offer solutions for a unique set of problems.

However, in accordance with this 2021 inbound marketing outlook, you will not want to over-stimulate your followers with frequent, aggressive, hard-sell posting, in the same way, you would not want to over-communicate with a lead or attracted party you’ve acquired through SEO-based content on your website.


Cost-Effective Form of Marketing

The global pandemic has taken a toll on the finances of all businesses and no company is entering 2021 unscathed. Therefore, cost-effective marketing is a top priority for all businesses.

Inbound marketing is comparatively less expensive than most other types of marketing. It has a wide repertoire of means to attract an audience without straining your budgets, such as content marketing, e-mail marketing, and social media marketing.

Moreover, inbound marketing strategies and campaigns can be tweaked without a significant setback in the budget.

Businesses can benefit from inbound marketing because it is profitable. In particular, it yields a high ROI (return on investment), has increased the scope and reach of the audience, and you can get a pulse on the effectiveness of your sales strategies through digital marketing metrics.


UX and Inbound Marketing

In today’s world, a high-end innovative user experience is a must. People are more particular now about the visuals and aesthetics of the offered products and services.

An optimized user experience (UX) can be utilized to make products and services delightful to use and fun to interact with.
Another reason behind the importance of inbound marketing for businesses in 2021 is that it can analyze the Core Web Vitals and suggest changes in the UX design wherever needed.

On the other hand, inbound content is optimized for UX, which makes it easier to interact with than regular text-based content. The response to the inbound content is longer and offers an enjoyable user experience for your leads.

A strong inbound marketing strategy will increase the speed of interaction with your customers, enhance personalization, and keep you ahead of the curve. Furthermore, it can increase opportunities for the coveted featured snippet spot on Google’s organic results (known as Position Zero).


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